Monday, December 3, 2012

So, this has been a great week here... Miriam and her huzband Marcet are doing great still. They are Golden investigadors. I love teaching them. On saturday, they invited us over for lunch, and they tried to kill us again with so much food. We each got a whole chicken, and a ton of salad and peaches and ice cream. 

... honestly Im struggling to think of what to write that is interesting and new... but we really do the same thing all day everyday, haha. But I love it. I love my companion, I love my area, and I love my ward. 

This month is going to be very special for the mission, I can feel it. In our area we have 6 baptismal fechas planned already, and a lot more to come. I love the spirit of christmas that comes every december, even though Cristmas traditions are REALLY different here, the spirit is generally the same.

Oh, also, this week we have been traveling to each ward in the stake to give a special training meeting with the Ward Counsil to form Ward mission plans. Its been a really big time sacrifice, and has required a lot of coordination and thought, but we feel like it has been helping a lot to get the members moving. The members here are really great, but because the church still is not very strong here, they need to be shepherded pretty closely in order to get them to go in the right direction. 

Anyways, I am doing good. Feel free to send me letters :)

I love you all!

Elder Wilson