Saturday, April 13, 2013

April 13

This has been a crazy weelk! First of all, we all loved the Conference! Especially because of all of the wonderful talks about Missionary Work! The spirit of the misionary work that we are feeling is really incredable. All of the members are starting to catch the wave. Me and my companion are going to make a document that has all of the amazing quotes from General Conference about the missionary work, and give it to all the mission to use with members. 

Here is a crazy experience that happened during the General Conference. So, Patricia, our amazing investigador that is getting baptized this next weekend, came to the sunday evening session of conference, and half way through the session, a strange person that was sitting next to her grabbed her sweater which happened to have had all of the money that she needed to get through the week, and snuck out. A few minuits later, María Pía, her little daughter, told her that she had seen him off with her stuff, so she left to find him, and went home obviously devistated and desperate because now she had no way to feed her kids that week. Thats not a good experience to happen in the church! We had no clue that this all had happened, but when we found out we were really scared that she was going to get offended and not want anything more to do with us, but then one of the biggest miricles that I have ever seen in my mission happened. The Relief Society pres. felt like she should call her just to see how she was doing, and when she found out what had happened, she went with the bishop to her house, talked out the problem, gave her the needed money to get through the week, and really just ministered to her needs. Now she is even stronger that ever in her testimony about the trueth of our chruch. it was a huge testimony to me about the power of members to help those who are needy, and that if the Lord wants someone to get baptized, he is perfectly ready to send a miricle on down in order to overcome the opposition. 

We were super overwhelmed this week because we had 26 new missionaried come to our mission! This is a record number, so it was a huge deal to prepare and have everything happen right. But in the end it went very smoothly, and I felt the spirit really strong when we were capacitating them and introducing them to the mission. We are amazed by the number of sister missionaries that are coming to the mission, and very grateful for their service. 

Ive got a lot of mixed feelings right now, because it is officially my last transfer in the mission! I am what you call a 'valiente', or last-transfer missionary. I am going to be sure to make this be the best time of my mission. We have so much to do. Thanks for all your support! Prey that Patricia can stay strong in this week before her baptism!

Elder Wilson

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