Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Weekly letter

My apartment in candlelight. I feel like a real religious man studying the Bible by candle light. it adds to the effect, especially reading from Revalations.

the sun rise over the atlantic. Soo beautiful.

The church in La Paloma, it is so tiny, I will try to get a pic of my church building next week so you can compare.

Wow, this week was crazy for me. First of all, remember how we are all stuck 6 in the house together? that makes things crazy to begin with, but this week, there was a problem with our appartment building and we had no power! so we spent the whole weed without power and without phone, was really strange, but it was fun to have the experience. Then, on thursday, I went on a intercambio (I honestly dont remember what that is called in English..) to this coastal town called La Paloma. It is soooooo beautiful, and love it a lot. I was there for two days, and in the morning for exercise we ran down to the beach and saw the son rise over the atlantic. I have never seen something so awesome as that before, it left me awestruck all day. I think that when you are on the misson and all spiritually in tune and everything you can enjoy nature better, and have more appreciation for the beautiful world that Dios ha creado (exept for dogs, Im having a tough time enjoying that creation right now).
But this week was also a little disappointing, and I learned a lot. We had Carlos, a awesome man that we have been working with since my second week here, all interviewed and ready for baptism, with all the members invited, and the font full and everything.... but no carlos. Satan was working realllly hard on him the night before to try and descourage him to not get baptized. His really athiest uncle showed up at his house and all night had been persuading him that he was not ready. The uncle even tried to lock him into the house to not get baptized and took his phone, and everything (a little bit like the male version of Cinderellas step mom). We passed by his house so many times, but never could get a hold of him. So we had to postpone the baptism, and it was really bad because the members were just starting to put a lot of trust in us too. But just last night we were able to make contact with him again, and keep helping him to baptism. I have so much love for him, and he really has such a strong testimony and has changed his life so much. Also, sunday was hard because every single one of our investigators did not come with us to church. It felt so weird to be in sacrament meeting without a single investigator, and I put a goal that that would never happen to me again on my mission - to be without investigators at church. It just felt wrong to be alone at curch.
One thing that I love a lot about my mission is the love that I feel. I am learning more and more what Moroni is talking about in chapters 7 and 8, about the ´perfect love of Christ" and how it  "casts out all fear". Because of the love I feel for my investigators and contacts I have the confidence to call them to repentance, and change thir lives.
I love the mission, and always am working hard to get better and better at everything.
Thanks for all your prayres!

Elder Wilson

ps. it takes about a month and a few days for mail to arrive for me, than more to write back, so sorry if it takes a while for me to write back, but I promise that I am replying to every single letter I get.

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