Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This is a picture of the Church Building here in Rocha. Here in Uruguay all of teh church buildings are really nice. Everyone in Rocha knows who we are and what church we are from because our church building is really nice.

This is a picture I took from the Central Plaza. The plazas here are really cool, and expecially on good days everyone just comes and passes time. Maybe also you can see a little bit of just how Eueropean it is here.

another one of the main plaza

This week was beautiful! the weather was so nice, and we got a lot of good work done. Uruguayans are kind of whimpy when it comes to weather -  when its nice, they are happy, when it is bad, they are depressed - so it was really cool to see all of the people out and about  and super happy. We had a really good Zone conference on thursday, all about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
One thing that is kind of fun about serving here in a hardcore religious country is that most people here already are pretty devoted to their religion. And we get lots of chances to talk to some pretty hardcore religious people and really dive into the scriptures with them. We always have to be really careful to not bash with them, and the thing that I love about geing a missionary for this church is that we work with feelings more than logic. Because NOBODY can deny the things that they feel, but it is easy to deny logical arguments. The people of Uruguay have lots of respect for us, the missionaries, and I love talking to so many people each day.
 The work is going well for us, and we are really working hard to progress our investigators and help them keep commitments so that they can be baptized. I love to see in the eyes of my investigators that their lives are changing and that the atonement of Jesus Christ is healing up all their scars. I love being able to give all my life right now to the service.
I am really excited to be able to watch General Conference this weekend. We are going to be able to see it in English in the church. I love reading the words of the Modern day prophets, and apply thier teachings to my life and the life of my investigators. I am excited to see how many of the investigators we can get to come to church with us to watch General Conference, but we are going to try our hardest to get all of them to come.
I love the mission so much, and the time is flying so fast. Thank you for all your prayers and letters.
Till next week,
Elder Wilson

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