Wednesday, February 8, 2012

what a birthday looks like in Uruguay

Me blowing out my delicious birthday cake. We had to use make-shift candles. Im super old. I dont want to be 20. But I guess thats how life works :)

Missionaries love their packages! Thanks Granny and Grandpa! Those were the most delicious Mac and Cheese I have ever eaten. Seriously...

 Baptism of Marcelo Rodrigues. We had it on sunday after the services. (it was the first baptism of a person completely covered in tatoos that I have ever seen. It was awesome.

So first things first. We had the baptism of Marcelo! This baptism and his process of conversion is one of the most awesome ones I have ever seen. He really changed his life in able to be baptized. He is honestly the most humble person I have ever met. He has lived on the streets, and really gone through a ton of really big trials in his life, but as he said, God called him, and he has to answer. I am so excited to see him smiling all the time, and see him progress in the church... speeking of progressing in the church.. Biatrice and Cristian Torres (some other recent converts that you might remember) all went to the temple this week with the ward. It makes me so happy to see them reallyprogressing in the gospel and recieving callings and everything. haha, especially Biatrice, she goes around in her neighborhood every day and looks out the less active members to get them to come to church too. 

I love this area so much (I always hint that in my letters and interviews with the president so that maybe he will keep me here longer), and have really been able to see the work here progress with the ward and everything... hope my time here is not coming to and end. 

My birthday was really special... we got up at 6:30 and worked till 10:30 then went back to bed. But lots of the members made us super delicious cakes. mmm

One thing that I love about being a missionary is being able to recieve specific and direct revelation over how I can help the work to progress in our area and in my district. There is one area in the district that is really struggling to baptize and it has been awesome to be able to recieve the revalation needed to help them. 

Also, Cristina Gonzales (ya that one) is doing really good, she recieved her answer and will be baptized ( she saw the baptism of Marcelo and that really touched her) we are just working on the when. But she will, i am sure. Also her friend Nancy will too... she just needs to get married first... more next time. 

Gotta go. 


Pray for my investigators.

Elder Wilson

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