Hermana Davidson and Hermana Hill. 2 Sr missionaries that are serving here with us. We are working a lot with them here in Las Piedras because we are working to qualify the stake as a stake again, by activating members and everything. They made us cinnimon rolls this week, which was awesome because I havnt had one in more than a year!
The family Abreu. I didnt have any interesting other pictures to send so I sent this one. The 2 young ones are some active members in the ward that help us out with the Obra Misional.
I love our new president. He is a way great leader, and I am really excited to be working with him for the rest of my mission.
Plese pray for us that we can find out those who the Lord is preparing. I love the mission and hope that it never ends. Love you all.
Elder Wilson
missionuruguaymontevideo.blogspot.com is a blog page that the President Armstrong has created. It has pictures and few updates (I think... never been there to check it out.)
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