Saturday, July 14, 2012

So, now I am here with my new companin Elder Sevilla! Even though we have only been together for a week, i can already tell that he is going to be one of my favorite companions that I have ever had. He knows how to work hard! which is great. we are seeing a ton of miricles... He is from an all memberf family of Honduras (like half of my old companions ), I really like hondoreños because they are really humble. This is going to be an awesome cambio I can tell. 

One really big miricle that we areseeing. is that we are teaching Fernando. We found him just in the street and talked to him, and he invited us to come into his house (which is one of the most humble houses I have known on the mission). He came to church with us this week, and now is preparing himself to be baptized in a couple weeks. I learned from him that the Lord really favors the people that are humble and broken hearted. Like when alma and amulek were teaching the poor people. The contrast was evedent because after leaving the awesome charla with Fernando, we went to his next door neighbor´s house to do contacts, and he was a SUPER hard hearted person from a different religion, who even though he knew a lot of things about god and the scriptures, really was not open to the spirit. And I could really feel the difference. 

Oficcialy President Armstrong is here now. Manana I will be abke to see him because the liders de zona have a meeting with him in the mission house. I am really excited to get to know him, and I know that he will be a great president. 

Oh, its cold. Pray for my investigadores!

Elder Wilson

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