Thursday, August 23, 2012

Edison! he is the darker one by my companion elder looney.

This was an awesome week for me! We had a super miracle baptism. His name is Edison Alza... let me explain, In Las Piedras, my last area, I had his teaching record, because he was investigating there for about 6 monthes. He had recieved all of the lessons and had gone to the chruch and everything. It said in the comment box: "he is for sure a future bishop". So we pulled out his record and did everything possible to find him, but we never did, he had moved, so we put his record away and I forgot all about him, and changed areas to here. Then, on wednesday we were coming home at night, we were almost late and had done all of our contacts for the day, but we saw this man standing outside of his door lookng at us, so we just talked to him... well and it turns out that he is that same person that I had searched out a couple monthes ago in las piedras. 

It was one of the most spiritual baptisms I have ever had. He is honestly a "future bishop". He came up out of the water and did fist pump of joy. then bore his testimony super strongly. Then went straight to the stake choir practice. He is such an example to me of the way that the Lord really does prepare people to recieve the gospel.

Also this week has been really good for the zone. This zone has had lots of problems with the missionaies and Local Leaders, so me and my companion have been working really hard to fix all of these relationships. We had a few meetings with President Armstrong and the stake president about it, and it has been a really good experienceto be able to see a lot of the point of view of leaders. I feel like one of my specialties as a missionary and mission leader are working with ward and stake leaders, so I am gettig lots of chances to put that talent into practice. There are some really hard hearts that we are having to help soften.. luckily the spirit is present, because nobodies heart is going to soften without it. And in the mission I have seen even the most rock solid hearts get softened. 

This is the best zone in the mission. I love workin in montevideo, its a LOT different in culture from the interior, where I have passed lots of time as a missonary. ha, here they throw rocks and break the windows during the sacrament meeting. but I love the spirit of the members here. The leaders are awesome. 

This week we are going to have a conference with Elder ViƱas of the 70. Im excited. 

I love you all!

Elder Wilson

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