The temple, shows a little progress from last pickture. But the construction really is sooooo slow down here!!
Me and my companion elder mclucky de oxford. We work way hard together. It was a freezing cold day though!
My district! Districto Arón. The sun was sooooo bright in our eyes, but it gives us character i guess...
Thought i should include a nice little action photo. not to brag or anything... but i am getting pretty good Leading scorer of the CCM. it makes all the latinos pretty mad...

So, I am in my last transfer in the CCM, and it is so weird to think that I am part of the oldest group here! First I want to talk about the best part of last week (Which is always proselitismos). So last week we contacted a woman named Sol (Spanish for Sun), and set up a return appointment with her. She was the one that speaks. Alllll week we preyed so hard for our return appointment with her to work out, because in our experience, they never seem to go through. It is expecialy hard to work with investigators because we can only set up the appointment and hope they remember, because we are not able to make any sort of contact with our investigators during the week, which is really hard! So last saurday we went by her house at the time, and she didnt answer. We were sooo dissapointed, because we had worked so hard that week to plan a lesson for her, and she just seemed like such a golden investigator. But we had a good day still, we were able to teach 9 full lessons!!! and tech an inactive family and commit them to church, it was a really great day. But here is the best part... About an hour before we had to head back, we felt the super strong impression that we should walk the half mile to Sol's house and try it again, we were already pushed for time, but we just did it anways. This time she answered, and explained that she was gone earlyer, and for the first time since ive been here she let us into her house with her husband and two little kids. Elén y Agousto. We taught her modified Restoration lesson that we had planned and it all went sooooooo well. The spirit was so strong and she alredy preyed and reads the bible every day with her family, and everyting that you could hope for. When we were finishing up, we gave her the book of mormon, assigned her the reading, but just before we were leaving, while she was saying the prayer, i had the impression that we needed to change the reading assignment. At first i kind of ignored it because we had already given her one that fit in perfectly with our lession and lead into our next lession. but I kept on feeling that I needed to ask her and her family to read moroni 8. After she was done preying it was kind of quiet for a second, and i said "I feel like we should change your reading commitment for our next lesson". My companion looked at me like i was a little crazy, but i did it anyways. I told her about Moroni 8, and how it talked about how infant baptisms are evil and everything, and the spirit immediately filled the room so strongly, and her husband explained that their 5 year old son had died, and their misister had explained all about how he was doomed to hell forever because he was not baptized, and they might have to go to hell too because they didnt baptize him, and how it was the saddest thing they had to deal with. It was so amazing to have been guided by the spirit in what to say. Every day I am here I am more and more amazed about how true the church is, and just how powerful the atonement and restoration of the gospel is. So, this week we are going to teach them about baptism and why its improtant and everything, and hopefully we will be able to commit them to prepare to be baptized. Anyways, prey for their family!!
Other cool things that happed to me, Almost got ran over by a loose horse (its weird to have horses running around the busy Buenos Aires city), Got a very passionate explination of why my church is wrong by a nice catholic priest we met, and thats about all i can think of at the moment. I LOVE PROSIRITISMOS. Cant wait to be able to get out in the field and be able to do this kind of stuff all day every day.
Oh, also, one of the teachers is sick, so me and my companion have been assigned to teach their districto spanish and how to be a missionary. Its way hard, but such a cool responsibility. we have learned so much about how to teach effectively, and have gotten lots of good practice with teaching.
Anyways, things are going so great! I love being on a mission, its the hardet thing ive ever done, but so far it has been the most rewarding. i have learned and grown so much here, but man, I still have such a long way to go. Thanks for all your prayrs! And I know that the mail will come through eventually! Ive got faith that ive got some coming on the way, some of the elders here are really really panicked about the whole mail situation :) ¡Español Rocks!
Miss everyone,
Elder Wilson