Thursday, July 21, 2011

Last week in the CCM

Wow!! so this is my last time emailing home from the CCM!!! On monday morning I hop on an airplane and head over to Montevideo!!! These last two monthes have gone by so fast, and I am so excited to get out in the field!

This week we were in a new area for our proselitismos, and it is my favorite area that i have been in so far. My last areas were completely urban and way busy, but this area is pretty rural and poor, we were able to visit almost the entire area in one day. The people in the area are so humble and poor, i wish i could take pictures of it. The people are so nice there! We were able to teach lots of full lessons inside of peoples yards (the houses were too small and run down to go into, so mostly the people just kind of live in their yards). Also, it was funny, but a bunch of little kids were following us around for awhile, and wanted me to teach them how to play american football (I dont know how they knew I was northamerican, i mean its not like i have an accent or anything), so i agreed that I would teach them a little only if they let us teach them a lesson about jesus christ. So i showed them how to pass the football around a little and for like 10 minuits, then we sat them all down (probly about 25 of them) and taught them about jesus, and told them the storey of angel moroni saving himself in battle and hiding the plates in the ground for Joseph Smith to find, and i showed them the book of mormon and stuff. It was maybe the most fun teaching experience i have ever had. pretty soon some pretty grim-looking parents started coming, and I was worried that they were going to come and end the party, but they actually the parents seemed to be just as interested as the little kids, and we got a bunch of little return appointments with lots of families to teach this week. it was a really fun experience to teach all of the little kids, and just made me more excited to leave the CCM and get to do that stuff every day. Also, I have been slowly growing in my dislike for dogs, sorry all  you dog lovers at home, but they are the most annoying things in the world down here. I have had to kick many-a-dog down here. But, another reason that I like this area is that the dogs here are generally nicer than the ones in the city. Hope my first arean in Uruguay is rural like this one!

Anyways, here are a few end-of-the-CCM stats:

Pounds gained: 1.6 KG (i actually dont know how many pounds i have gained, but i hope a KG is not worth a lot of pounds!)
Cows eaten: at least 4 of 5 and this includes mostly evey part of the cow
Goals scored: 63 and counting
Languages learned: Más o menos 1, pero pienso que es más que menos!
Hours of real live prosolyting: 70 -  this is the best part of the CCM experience

anyways, I cant beieve that i and alreay 1/12th of the way into my mission. it is going to fly by soooo fast! but i am so excited to leave here and get to montevideo. I love the expirience that i had here, I learned so much about the language and the gospel, and the scriptures, but mostly i learned how to be a good missionary, and just how fun and satisfying missionary work is. I still have so much more to learn though, and I am excited to get out into the field!! Cant wait to meet my first companion. And its nice that I cant say "thats not the language they taught me in the MTC", because the best part is that i was taught the language by the navives.

Write me to my adress in Uruguay, that is on my FB info page i think!

Thanks for your prayres! Heads up Uruguay!
Elder Wilson

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