Tuesday, December 20, 2011

We get to see Elder Wilson on Skype in just a few days!

[Note from the blog updater: This weekly email was kind of short because Elder Wilson had to take time telling us exactly how to SKYPE him on Christmas Day! We can't wait to talk to him and see his face!]

This week was really good. On wednesday we had the Mission Christmas conference in Montevideo, where all the 210 missionaries in the mission came in together. It was really really awesome and spiritual. Also it was fun to see all of my missionary friends that i know from the MTC and my old areas and everything. There is a really awesome spirit when you get a whole bunc of missionaries together. Also, each day I grow more and more to love President and Hermana DaSilva. They are the best mission presidents in the world. 

We have found lots of great new people to teach, and now we are workng hard to progress them towards baptism. A lot of my investigators are progressing, but they are really stubborn, and are progressing kinda slow. So we are always lookin and searching for new investigators to teach and progress. 

So far in my mission I have learned a lot about the importance of setting and reaching goals, and especially of compromisos.. uhh commitments. If the investigators can keep commitments, they are guaranteed to progress. It is really sad when they dont keep their comitments. 

Oh, tomorrow, my companion Hermano Rodriguez will leave the mission, and I will get a new 'oro' to train. He will come from the MTC in Argentina. So more updates on that next week. This transfer has been crazy! 3companions, 2 oros and a priest! I have learned a lot. And had a lot of fun. We are working really hard. 

Next email I will try to tell you a little bit about some of the weird traditions that they do here in Uruguay. 

Elder Wilson.

PS Merry Christmas!

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