Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Happy Thanksgiving!!! we completely forgot untill 10:25 in the night, 5 minutes before lights out, so we had a rushed little celebration. Luckily I had a little chunck of chicken that I had made last week that we shared real quick. Its the closest we had to turkey. But the best part about Thanksgiving is that it means that we can now sing the christmas hymns in lessons and studies. I love singing, and have really seen it change that hearts of lots of investigadors, we always sing a hymn to start off lessons and companion study, and in the shower, and in the street. so, we get lots of singing done. I especially love to sing the christmas songs. Honestly, they are better in spanish than english, the lyrics are better in my opinion. But thats OK because some of the other hymns have better lyrics in english than spanish. 

Right now we have LOTS of great investigadors. the most amazing ones are Miriam and Marcet. They are an older couple (He has 69 years of age!, the oldest ones Ive ever taught) and she all her life has been a HARD CORE evangelist. But the Lord has prepared them so perfectly to recieve us. It is amazing just how naturally they are accepting the truiths of the Restored Gospel. She says that we are filling a hole in her heart that she didnt even know existed. Ha, also they try to grandparent us a little. Yesterday we went after church to teach them, and they would not let us escape undill they had forced about 20 grilled cheese sandwiches, a whole pizza, and two bowls of ice cream down our throats :) It was a struggle because we had another lesson to get to, and we are on a diet, so that was funny. Oh, also, our bishopric thinks that he looks exactly like President Benson haha. 

So, today I have 18 months as a full time missionary. On saturday I got what they call the "trunky call" when they call you and ask what airport you are going to and everything. And the worst part is that my ORO Elder Whiting is the mission secretary, and he called me, my own son, to plan the end of my mission. But like I said last week, I still see HUGE mountians of work to climb that are laying ahead of me. 

I am happy and healthy. and hungry. I am greatful for the trust that the Lord has placed in me in being able to help out with the most important work that ever has or will exist. 

Elder Wilson 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

one of the best days of my mission

Yesterday was one of the best days of my misson. So, all this week we had really been working hard hard on being able to reach the daily goals that we set the day before, so we knew that we were going to see some big miricles on sunday.. its allways that way. when you work hard in the week the lord blesses you on sunday. Sundays are the most stressfull daysof the mission because ALL of the work that you did during the week depends on it. If the people go to church, it means that they are progressing, if they dont, it means that they still need a lot of work. But this sunday we had 8 investigadors in the sacrament meeting, 15 recent converts, and 5 less active members that we had found during the week. there is NOTHING that feels better than being able to sit down in the sacrament meeting and just enjoy it because of all the people that are being converted there. I have had 2 sundays in my mission where I had zilch investigadors, and let me tell you, it feels BAD. like you are wasting your time. So, I loved seeing so many people there this week. 

 Then later yesterday we went out with a recent convert to go visit a few people that she knew, and we found 2 families to teach!!! This is a miracle. It is near impossible to find complete families here in Uruguay. Me and my companion have dedided that the biggest christmas presant that we could possibly give to the Lord and his Church is a new family in the gospel, so we have been fasting and preying a lot to be able to find families to convert. So, when we found these beautiful families we knew that it was a direct result of those prayers and desires. The lord really does give to his servants according to their desires. 

cool news from president Armstrong, some people have been recieving mission calls recently that say "Taiwan mission UNTILL THE CHINA MAINLAND MISSION OPENS" it truely is an amazing moment for the explosion of the Church of Jesus Christ in the world. Lots of prophesies are about to be fufilled. Just watch and see. 

so, almost everyone who has been writing me has been talking about how they are excited that my mission is almost done and im almost home blah blah. haha I really dont know what your all talking about! I am still just starting. There is a lot to do. I honestly see a ton of "Mountians to Climb" still before May rolls around. 

It is getting HOT. Send some ice if you can. 

But I am super happy, healthy, and tan (from the neck up and elbows down). 

Thanks, Elder Wilson

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

First things first, Jorge and Iara got baptized! They are the Rodriguez family that I have been talking so much about. In the picture they are all there, including the grandparents. The family all got baptized 20 years ago, but then went inactive. But a couple weeks ago we found them just knocking doors, and, well, now all of the family is active, and even the grandparents are active now. One of the scriptures that I love is D&C 15:6. It is true. my mission means everything to me. It is the thing that is of the greatest worth.

I love working with families. It is the most satisfying work.

This week I found a quote by David O McKay (my personal favorite modern day prophet to study) that goes something like this "The greatest calling in the church is the one in which you can give the greatest service." 

We are all really excited for the annoucment about lowering the mission age. This week in a conference with president Armstrong he told us that before the church offices recieved 1200 missionary applications a week, now they recieve 4000 a week. and 50% Sisters. In our mission we have 185 missionaries, but they tell us to expect 250 within a couple monthes. This is amazing. It is just what the chruch needs to blow up in explosion. 

Anways, please pray for me and my companion to find the people to recieve the gospel. recently our companionship liahona has been going pretty well, but the missionary work pretty much is finding people to teach. 

I am really excited too because tomorrow for the first time in almost a whole year I we are going to the temple!!!!!!!!! I am really excited to be able to feel that sweet and specific instructions from the Lord there inside. 

Anyways, thanks for everything! 

Elder Wilson

Monday, November 5, 2012

Elder Wilson says Happy Halloween!

Happy holloween! from elder wilson and elder looney.

So this week was great. the rodriguez family is going great, and their son and daughter will be baptized on saturday. Also, it was cool because the mom of the dad is also a less active member, and she came on sunday with 4 of her other granddaughters on sunday as well. I am really excited for this baptism, and I love being able to see a full family recieve the blessings of the gospel. 

Also, I had a really good experience this week because one of my converts here who I really love fell into a temptation and comited a sin and hid from us and everything, and sent messages that he was done with the church and it broak our hearts. But we fasted and preyed really hard and were really persistant wiht hiim and everything to open the door to us and everything. I feel like we were VERY persistant, but his eternal salvation was at stake, so we decided to do everything possible to get save him. and well our prayres were answered, and he is now as good as ever, and happy and everything. I learned a great lesson about repentance and forgiveness with him this week. 

But, I am really happy. its a little bit funny, because in Preach my Gospel at the end of the 6th chapter there es an activity about rate-your-christlike-attributes, and for the section of Humility the first one is "I am meek and humble of heart" and youve got to rate yourself from 1-5, 5 being that youve got it down, and one being that youve gotta work on it. Its kind of a trick question. When I starte the missin I was rating pretty high up there, but now, as I ve learned a little bit about humility, my numbers have been dropping down. I guess that means I am progressing. 

Anyways, thanks for all your prayres and help and everything. I love you all. I know that this work is true and that this gospel will fill the whole earth convert by convert. 

Elder Wilson. 

ps. vamos arriba Romney.