Thursday, June 23, 2011

Week 4

I cant believe that i am already a month into my mission!!!! 1/24th of the way done! and half way done with my time in the CCM! it is going so fast.. I now understand what RMs mean when they say it will fly by so quick. 

I am still really enjoying being here in the CCM (Centro de Capacitación Missional) still, there is such a strong spirit here every day. But I keep on becoming more and more excited to get out of here to montevideo. I feel so lucky that I am able to have the experience of being in the Argenitina CCM, I really think that I have such a bigger advantage here at learning the language because I am with latinos all day and other natives, and because I learn some of the realaities of missionary work because I get to go out on my prosilitismos every week. 

Every week prosilitismos get better and better and better. Last saturday was such a good day. Me and my companion were able to teach 4 full lessons to people we contacted! I cannot even describe how good it felt to be able to do teach and put into use eveything that we practice in the CCM. I was able to recite the first Vision 4 times (one for each lesson) and it was sooooo awesome to feel the spirit that it brings evey time I recited that powerful experience. It improved my testimony sooo much about the power and truith of the restoration. One guy we were teaching was a intimidating looking about 40 year man who was working in the street. At first, I thought why even bother with talking to this guy? he was busy and usually me and my comp dont have much luck with people like that. I was about to just ignore him, but I felt prompted that I could not pass over this guy. going up to him, I for some reason felt like I should say: hi, were here to answer your question. He immediately stoped looked up at us, and started crying and said: are you guys the answer to my questions? appairantly he had been praying for the last week every night to a god he didnt know to send him something to show him that god existed... this is what evey missionary dreams about by the way.. we taught him the first lesson sitting out on his fence to his yard. it was one of the most spiritual things i have ever done. the coolest part was at the end when we had commited him to read and prey about the book of mormon and prey about it and, get this... COMMIT TO PREPARE TO BE BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!! (got my first baptismal commitment!).. but at the very end, right before we had to leave, he said: thanks, I now know that god lives, Is that what Im feeling? and he pulled up his sleeve and his whole body was covered in goosebumps and he had tears rolling down his face. it felt soo good to have actual sucess!!! unfortuneately i will never be able to see him again or anything because i am changing prosilitismo zones, but i hope he has enough faith and courage to go through with the baptism wigh tyhe other missionaries. I cant wait till i get to go out to the feild and do stuff like this every day. 

So much more happeded that day that i dont have time to explain, soo many cool stories. But everything is going good! my spanish is progressing as fast as possible. I still havent got any letters, but nobody has, i think the mail is still all blocked up from the volcano problem. Thanks for all your prayres! I feel them all the time, and prey for my comp to learn spanish fast so i dont have to teach all alone! I miss everybody a lot, and am working hard! 4 weeks till i get to leave the CCM!

Elder Wilson

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