Sunday, February 3, 2013

So, changes came last night. Aftrer 4 and a half monthes together I am going to be separated from my companion Elder Looney. I am staying a fourth change here in Belloni, and my new companion is Elder Robertson, who was the first missionary I ever knew in my mission. We met in the airport in Salt Lake, then were in the MTC together. I am super excited to be able to work with him. Also, I am excited because coming to live in the same house as me is my old companion from the MTC Elder Cannon. It is going to be an aweosme change with them, and i know that we area going to do a lot of great miricles with them. 

Good news: My awesome convert Edison Anza is engaged to the awesome Relief Society president Hermana Dora. They are two of the most converted members that I have known here, so I am so excited for this. It makes me so happy to see my convert prepare to recieve all of the blessings of the gospel. 

Also, Myriam and Marcet are doing good. They are super prepared, and now have come to chruch 4 times in a row, the problem is that they dont realize that they are ready for baptism, and say that they want more time to know the way athat the church is and everything. Those things are important, but not in order to get baptized, so we are helping them understand that. Please prey for them, that they will have the courage to just take the step and get baptized. They are going to be the best christmas preasant that we could give to the Lord this year. Please prey for them. 

Also, we have an investigador named Flavia, whose family (huaband and 2 kids) got baptized about 8 monthes ago, but she never did because she cant overcome problems with the Word of Wisdom, but now she is making a comeback, and has the goal to get baptized on christmas day. She has so much potential. Please prey for her also. 

There are alot of things that are happening. The powerful spirit of christmas is working hard in the ward. The biggest presant that we could posibly give to our God, as the 3 wise men did, is ourselves, to consecrate our hearts and souls to his cause. Our heart is the only gift that we could possibly give him, because he already owns all the rest. 

I know that this work is true, and that the worth of sould is great in the sight of the Lord. There is a lot of work to do! 

Elder Wilson. 

PS, I took some really awesome pictures this week... but my computer that im at is not letting me send them. sorry. nest week.

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