974 - The 3 empanadas that won the ward activity contest that we did.
970 - in the front passage way we put up tables with a lot of folletos and books and everything about the church.
967 - A picture of me and my companion in front of the baptismal font with Edison. He is the best, most converted convert I have ever had in the misison.

This was a really good week. on wednesday we had a really good multi-zone conference with Elder Viñas, who is a member of the quorum of the 70. It was a really great experience to be instructed by someone who understands the chruch so perfectly and the gospel. To see him was an example of how I would like my life to be... not that I have ambitions to become a 70 member or anything, but just to guive up your whole life to service. Also, he did a couple interviews with a few missionaries, and I got interviewed by him. That was a really awesome experience. he commited me in the name of the Lord and by command of Pte. Monson to keep going styrong in the mission, get married ASAP after the mission, then at an early age retire and devote my whole life to service in the lord. It really was a really spiritual experience... It always seems to be the mission presidents and other general authorities that always are talking about the importance of marriage and family and everything haha. They are always trying guive us the challange to keep our minds in the mission too :) Its a bit ironic sometimes. So I just do my best to not be trunky. D&C 4:5-6 "...con la mira puesta unicamente en la gloria de Dios lo califican para la obra."
Also, we had a really good activity in the ward on Friday. Since the ward is pretty sleepy, and nothing ever happens, we decided to plann a ward activity every 2 weeks. The first time only about 10 people came, then 15 trhen 20, and at this last one, 60 people came! It was a big sucess, and I think it is helping to strengthen our trust relationship with them, and inspiring them to participate in the missionary work. For example, last sunday, 2 investigadors just showed up with the members without us even begging them for references.
Also, Edison got confirmed. He is honestly the best convert that you could ever ask for. It makes me so happy to see him and his change in life and everything. He encourages me to keep on being a better missonary.
To all those who have sent mail recently (last 2 ish mnothes) there still is an international mail boycot here, so it probly hasnt come. But keep on sending it anyways! Missonaries love their mail :)
Anyways, thanks for everything.
Elder Wilson
with the oficinistas